Thursday, October 1, 2015

Nubee Ultra-High Performance Professional Digital Food/BBQ/Meat Instant-Read Thermometer

Nubee Ultra-High Performance Professional Digital Food/BBQ/Meat Instant-Read Thermometer 

Can be purchased from Amazon here

This is the first food thermometer I have ever used. It is digital, with a back-lit screen. The probe is adjustable by angle to get the right angle to get in the food. 

It has a very small variable in the temps it reads, and the higher it goes, the varible only grows by 1 or 2 degrees. It can switch from Fahrenheit to Celsius with the push of a button.  It reads cold temps starting at about -25 as well as hot temps upwards of 500+. It also, if the probe isnt touching anything, it will read the room temperature fairly well too.

The directions are easy to follow, with another set in Chinese or Japanese I believe (I'm not familiar with either language). 

 The only thing I don't like is the probe doesn't stay in its folded locked position. The probe itself isn't sharp enough to cut, but it is sharp enough to graze or even puncture someone with enough force behind it. It makes me nervous like a knife when my son is wanting to help with dinner or another similar activity.

I received this product for an unbiased review that is 100% wholly original to me.

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