Sunday, October 25, 2015

Midori Spring Ceremonial (GOLD) Matcha Green Tea Review

Midori Spring Ceremonial (GOLD) Matcha Green Tea Review

Purchase from Amazon here.
 There are so many health benefits from green tea.

  1. It helps fight allergies with  hefty load of an anti-allergenic compound called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).
  2. Green tea has eyesight boosting properties by being heavy in catechins which can be absorbed by the cells in our eyes.
  3. That compound that helps with allergies, EGCG, also helps fight cholesterol absorption in the large intestine, therefore helping to lower your levels even when on  good diet. 
  4. Some studies have found that the catechins in green tea help fight periodontal disease.
  5. Green tea has been proven to help in the fight of pancreatic cancer, and more recently evidence shows that it helps against oral cancer as well.
  6. The catechins help make skin resistant to UV light, and also helps reduce the redness after exposure to UV light.
                    1. Referenced from here.
 There is so much more that green tea does too. It is easy to mix, as there are directions on the tin.
This particular tea isn't leaves, its powder form.
Looks like this when it is mixed.
The package warns that it is a hard drink to get used to. They don't lie. I have never ever had green tea before. Ever. Wow, this knocked my socks off. The smell makes me queasy, but I persevered. I tried it. Wow. Just no. Not with honey, sugar, fruit, spices. I tried many ways to try and stomach it. It is just a nope nope nope drink for me. My father loves it with fruit. So now he enjoys it.

It is easy to make, and easy directions. Just a nope drink here.

I received this product in exchange for a fair, honest, and unbiased review, which 100% is original to me.

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